Location and Meeting Time

Golconda Temple No. 24
NJIT Campus Center
150 Bleeker Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of Every Month

Golconda Temple Officers

Illustrious Potentate Noble Kevin Bailey kevbailey@yahoo.com
Chief Rabban Noble Cedric Scates cedric.scates@gmail.com
Assistan Rabban Noble David Edouard d.edouard52@gmail.com
High Priest and Prophet Noble Levi Barnes III levibarnes@hotmail.com
Oriental Guide Noble Andre Taylor andretaylor@joyntventures.com
1st Ceremonial Master Noble Noble Aaron Greene doublea.batt1@gmail.com
2nd Ceremonial Master Albert Martinez blastenergymixer@gmail.com
Marshall Noble Richard Mc Williams silverstarlodge45@gmail.com
Captain of the Guard Noble Shawn Samuel shawn.samuel22@gmail.com
Outerguard Joe B. Heard heardjoe4@gmail.com

Golconda Temple Imperial Officers

Illustrious Recorder Noble Robert White rwhite166golconda24@gmail.com
Assistant Recorder Noble Mark Mason markmason333@gmail.com
Illustrious Treasurer PP Noble Doug Bland dfresh2014@aol.com
Assistant Treasurer PP Noble George Marshall gmarshall415@optonline.net
Imperial Deputy of the Oasis PP Charles F. Salley schas1260@aol.com
Imperial Chief Rabban PP Noble Gary Slyvester potentate24@aol.com


Webmaster Noble Athelstan E. Nelson Jr. (Thel) t.nelson-quedog6@verizon.net
Administrator Noble Michael G. Diggs mgdiggs@hotmail.com